New News

I guess first thing is Sho got sick. Good news is that he is all better now.

Sick babies are no fun at all. He had a cough, stuffed up nose and he was really cranky. He is a pretty relaxed kid so the crankiness was weird. He had a fever for a night and Sachiko got pretty much zero sleep. Glad he is all better now.

Once he got better we finally had time to make a purchase. Sachiko’s bike had a flat tire and is old and beat up so we got her a sweet new ride.

I guess it is named “Creamsicle” but I think it should be “Creamcycle”. It is pretty fun to ride, I think i have ridden it more than Sachiko so far. I might have to replace my old red bike with something newer as well.

And the biggest news is that the three of us will be heading to the states next month for about 3 weeks. We just bought our tickets and we will be arriving on Dec. 13th and stay ’till Jan. 6th. Pretty stoked that there is a new direct flight from Osaka to Seattle. This cuts the travel time by about 4-5 hours because we used to have to switch in Tokyo or Vancouver. So get ready for the Umatspedal North American Tour 2010!

3 Responses to New News

  1. b? says:

    I vote for creamcycle as well. Seems like a no-brainer.

  2. Corey says:

    Sachi’s bike matches the Maverick! I approve.

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